Giclée Prints - (16x20)
$85 + $7.50 Shipping
Before GPS
Twenty miles up the road from Atmore, Alabama, in the middle of nowhere, is a small farming community called Mineola.
This is a 39 Ford and it's 1959, before GPS, Vietnam, Agent Orange, and a few other things Sam Turberville will learn about after joining the Army.
He and 8 siblings had worked their 100 acres of cotton, corn, and beans. He was the youngest and the last to leave "But leaving don't mean being gone", Father Irvin says. "For when picking time comes, we're all together again."
The Army probably won't recognize when crops are due; so they will savor these last few moments together.
As revealed under magnification, this drawing is executed by line conversion into molecules. An original technique called “molecularization”.
Copyright © Grady Byrd - Artist - Contact Webmaster
Laser Print (12x18)
$45 + 7.50 Shipping